Marble Bar

Located 304 km north of Newman, Marble Bar has earned a reputation as Australia’s hottest town, owing to the consistently high temperatures experienced during the summer months when the mercury climbs over 40 degrees for days on end.

Steeped in history, Marble Bar is a “stop and stay” town if you are traveling with children. With bitumen road access to water holes, a historical mining museum, Comet Gold Mine, the WW2 Corunna Downs secret airbase as well as the shallows of Doolena Gorge, there is something for everyone to enjoy.

The Iron Clad Hotel is a historical landmark in town and should not be missed. The Marble Bar events calendar boasts the Marble Bar country races, the annual Billy Cart Grand Prix and an annual muster party.

For all the latest information on things to do in Marble Bar, we recommend you visit the Marble Bar Tourist Association website at



2 Day Itinerary

Day 1

  • Begin your exploration of Marble Bar at the Visitor Centre & Marble Bar Museum, located in the Old Government Buildings on Station Street. Established in 2015, the museum offers insights into the mining and cultural history of the area, along with a fascinating exhibition of minerals from the local region. Pick up a copy of the Heritage Trail map to guide your journey through the town's historic sites.
  • Afterward, head to Marble Bar Pool & Chinaman’s Pool, where the picturesque backdrop of the Coongan River and the jasper creates an idyllic setting for a picnic. Marvel at the natural beauty of this oasis, known for providing respite from the intense heat of Australia's hottest town. Don't miss the chance to swim and relax at Chinaman’s Pool, surrounded by the rugged beauty of the A Class Reserve.
  • For geology enthusiasts, a visit to the Jasper Deposit offers the opportunity to fossick and take samples without interfering with the reserve.
  • Then, venture to Flying Fox Lookout for panoramic views of the Coongan River, followed by a trip to...
  • Comet Gold Mine, established in 1936 by Tommy Star. Explore the museum and tourist centre, where you'll find an array of gemstones, rocks, and local history on display. Take in the views from the veranda overlooking the mine and immerse yourself in its captivating story.
  • Continue along the Hillside Road to Glen Herring Gorge, where red rock walls contrast beautifully with the lush greenery surrounding the waterholes.
  • Lunch: The Bar General at Marble Bar General Store
    Indulge in a takeaway meal at The Bar General, located within the Marble Bar General Store. This Bar General offers a variety of freshly baked bread daily, along with a selection of groceries, fresh fruits and vegetables. Enjoy a satisfying lunch surrounded by the rustic charm of Marble Bar, where you can refuel and stock up on essentials for your adventures ahead.
  • Explore the rich history of Marble Bar by embarking on the Marble Bar Heritage Trail, a captivating journey through the town's historic sites and landmarks. Pick up a detailed map of the trail at the Visitor Information Centre/Museum, where 18 points of interest are clearly marked.
    Follow the trail on foot or by car, allowing yourself to wander from one fascinating site to another. Each location is adorned with informative signs providing detailed insights into Marble Bar's past. From the Old Government Buildings to the remnants of early mining ventures, every stop along the trail offers a glimpse into the town's heritage.
    Immerse yourself in the charm of Marble Bar as you stroll past historic buildings and significant landmarks. Discover the stories behind each site, ranging from pioneering efforts to the resilience of early settlers. Whether you're a history enthusiast or simply curious about the town's past, the Marble Bar Heritage Trail promises an engaging and enlightening experience.
  • After a day of exploration, enjoy dinner at Marble Bar Roadhouse & Travellers Rest, offering essential services and amenities for travellers, including accommodation and dining options.

Night 1:

Relax and unwind at the Travellers Rest, your gateway to essential services and comfortable accommodation.

Day 2

  • Start your day at Travellers Rest, where you can kick off your adventures with a hearty breakfast and a freshly brewed coffee. Enjoy a delicious meal and energizing beverage before setting out to explore the wonders of the area.
  • Embark on a journey to Corunna Downs, located 35 km south of Marble Bar. Explore the historic Corunna Downs Airfield, built in 1943 during WW2. Learn about its role in launching long-range attacks on the Japanese and discover remnants of its wartime operations.
    The Marble Bar website presents a detailed history of this isolated airfield: "Today there are very few reminders of the once busy airfield. One can see some crumbling foundations and half filled post holes. 73 OBU squadron operated the Corunna Downs airfield which comprised two intersecting bitumen runways. One ran approximately north-south, 5,000 feet in length while the other ran approximately east-west, 7,000 feet in length. Both runways were approximately 150 feet wide. A 50 foot wide taxiway linked the northern end of the north-south runway to the western end of the east-west runway. Approximately 20 camouflaged revetments to disperse aircraft to minimise bomb damage were constructed at Corunna Downs. American and Australian Air Force units operated out of Corunna Downs airfield during WW2. They included 25 Squadron (City of Perth) RAAF and the 380th Bomb Group of the American 5th Air Force. They carried out numerous bombing raids on Japanese bases and shipping."
  • Delight in a satisfying meal at the Iron Clad Hotel Pub, situated on Francis Street. This historic establishment boasts a legacy dating back to 1892, offering a glimpse into the town's rich heritage. Revel in the charming ambiance as you sample local cuisine, soaking in the atmosphere of this iconic venue. Since its inception in 1892, the hotel has been a cornerstone of the community, consistently serving patrons under the name Ironclad Hotel since November 1893. With its public bar and veranda facing Francis Street, the hotel retains its original charm, preserving its historic integrity through the years. Recognized for its cultural significance, the Ironclad Hotel was honoured with a heritage listing in 2006, further solidifying its place in Marble Bar's storied history.
  • End your day with a deeper appreciation for Marble Bar's rich history and natural beauty.

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Marble Bar

Marble Bar