Be a GREAT Sort

To find out the tricks for being a GREAT Sort – and reduce what you put in your landfill bin – click on each of the solutions above.
Join the GREAT Sorts in your street who put 60% less into the landfill bin
A world with less landfill waste
Your general waste bin is the last place for your waste ... with a bit of waste sorting at home, it could be almost empty each week! There are GREAT Sorts out there who put 60% less into their general waste bin.
In fact, we can all become GREAT Sorts just by remembering …
G is for Gifting things to charity, swapping or selling.
R is for Recycling only these 5 things: Cans, cardboard, paper, glass and plastic (bottles, jars and containers)
E is for Earth-cycling food scraps and garden waste into compost.
A is for Avoiding excess packaging and disposable containers.
T is for Taking batteries, e-waste and chemicals to special drop-off points.
It’s easy to find a better place for unwanted items and reduce what we send to landfill.
Be a GREAT Sort … Landfill is the last resort!
The WasteSorted behaviour change campaign, titled ‘Be a GREAT sort’, is part of a strategic approach by the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) to support consistent messaging on waste avoidance, resource recovery and appropriate waste disposal behaviours.

The 'Be a GREAT sort' campaign is proudly supported by