Litter Control
The Shire encourages residents and visitors to help keep our natural environment clean and litter free. Littering is an offence under the Litter Act 1979.
People caught illegally dumping waste in bushland areas or on road verges could face prosecution and incur a fine of up to $5,000 for individuals and up to $10,000 for corporations. In addition the person or corporation will be added to the State of Western Australia's Name & Shame list.
Help us keep our Shire beautiful by:
- depositing all litter in the bin
- utilise the Shire's landfill facilities which are FREE for its residential citizens in a residential vehicle.
- properly disposing of cigarette butts in the bin
- not depositing commercial or domestic waste in public litter bins
- ensuring goods carried on trailers, utes and trucks are covered and properly secured
- not removing shopping trolleys from shopping centre car parks
- reporting abandoned vehicles.
Throwing or dropping litter, even unintentionally, is an offence according to the Litter Act 1979. Dumping rubbish of any kind on any land not specified as a waste facility is also considered littering and attracts the same penalties under the litter act.
Keep Australia Beautiful Litter Report Scheme
The Keep Australia Beautiful Litter Report Scheme allows registered litter reporters to report littering or dumping of matter from a car, trailer or boat. To become a Litter Reporter click the link above.
Residents with any concerns or enquiries can contact the Shire's Ranger Services Department on (08) 9175 8000 during normal office hours.

Your report will help make Australia a cleaner and beautiful to work, live and visit.