

2024/2025 Budget Newsletter

2024/2025 Objects and Reasons

2024/2025 Quick Information
When are my Rates due?  
Can I pay my Rates online?

This year, rates are due either as:

  • One payment, on 21 August 2024
  • Four instalments, on:
    • 21 August 2024
    • 7 November 2024
    • 7 January 2025
    • 11 March 2025


When will I receive my Rates?

Rates Notices will be mailed out 16 July 2024, so please keep an eye on your mail box, they will arrive soon. If you haven't received your Rates Notice by end of July, please call the Shire on 9175 8000.

Receive your Rates Notice by Email

Ratepayers are encouraged to have their rate notices emailed, avoiding the use of paper and postage, aligning with our Shire’s sustainability objectives.

Click here to Receive Your Rates Notice By Email

Pay Your Rates

Pay Online

Pay Your Rates via BPoint

BPOINT is a service provided to the Shire by the Commonwealth Bank of Australia. If you are having difficulties or would like further information on your privacy, please contact BPOINT below.

Contact BPoint

Pay by Direct Debit

Alternative payment arrangements are available by direct debit. An additional fee is charged.

Apply For Direct Debit

Credit Card Payments

Can be made over the phone by calling 9175 8000 or through the BPoint link below.

Pay Online BPoint

Payment Difficulties/Financial Hardship

We understand that at times, due to unforeseen circumstances, the payment of property rates fees and charges may present a financial burden.

Ratepayers who are experiencing payment difficulty should contact the Shire immediately on 08 9175 8000 to discuss payment options. All enquiries are treated confidentially and your early communication may help prevent the commencement of costly legal recovery action.

Shire's Financial Hardship Policy

Why Have my Rates Gone Up?

Why have my Rates Gone up more than CPI?

  • Local government cost pressures are driven by many factors that are not always reflective of the CPI. The CPI is related to typical household expenditure of items such as food and groceries, household appliances, medical expenses, and education etc.
  • The Shire’s operating costs are more aligned to state government charges, fuel, road materials, cost of plant and equipment, foreign exchange etc. that all influence the provision of services and assets.
  • The Shire’s other revenues which offset rates are subject to interest rate returns, availability of external funding and attendance and usage of Shire facilities. The Shire collects the Emergency Services Levy on behalf of the State and has no control over the amount charged.

The Shire’s property rates fees and charges remain very reasonable compared to neighbouring Pilbara councils.

Why does the Shire of East Pilbara charge Sewerage?

It is usually the responsibility of the WaterCorp in most areas of the State. Not in Newman. Other parts of the Shire are not deep sewer connected.

How does paying rates benefit me?

  • The Shire provides a diverse range of services that are open to all ratepayers; including libraries, recreation areas, building licensing, health services, community events, youth programs and community grants to name a few.

I never see anything with the money you get from me?

The Shire spends money across all areas of the district and in each suburb. Shire rates pay for the upkeep of your local park, maintaining all footpaths, provision of street lighting, the maintenance of and construction of roads, resealing of existing streets as well as the weekly rubbish and recycling collection service – these are all services provided by the Shire.

Can I object to paying my rates?

It is possible for you to object to your property’s rate record in two circumstances: If you are not the owner of the property for which you have received a rate notice or if you believe your property is non-rateable. You can appeal your rate notice by contacting the Shire of East Pilbara on (08) 9175 8000 within 42 days of your rate notice being issued.

Valuations - Your valuation (GRV or UV) is only one factor used to calculate your rates notice. The Valuation of Land Act 1978 (as amended) Part IV sets out how valuation objections may be lodged. A property owner may lodge an objection against the valuation of a property within 60 days of the date of issue of a rates notice. For information on how your values are calculated and how to lodge an objection, please visit Landgate’s website landgate.wa.gov.au/valuations, or alternatively call Landgate Customer Service on +61 (0)8 9273 7373.

Rates Record - Section 6.76 of the Local Government Act 1995 provides the grounds, time and the way individual objections and appeals to the Rates Record may be lodged. An objection to the Rate Book must be made in writing to the council within 42 days of the date of issue of a rates notice.

Section 6.81 of the Local Government Act 1995 refers that rates assessments are required to be paid by the due date, irrespective of whether an objection or appeal has been lodged. In the event of a successful objection or appeal, the rates will be adjusted, and you will be advised accordingly. Credit balances may be refunded on request

See the reverse of your rate notice for more information.

What if I have moved?

If you have changed ownership of a property or moved house please contact the Council within 21 days to complete a change of name/address and ownership forms. Keeping our records up to date means the Council can ensure rate notices are forwarded to the correct address and avoids customers incurring any unwanted penalties including interest on overdue rates.

I am about to sell my property and there are still rates to be paid – how is this worked out?

This is done by your settlement agent at settlement, who will apportion the rates accordingly between the buyer and seller.

Frequently Asked Questions

Calculation of Rates

What are Local Government rates and who pays them?

Shire rates are a contribution each property owner makes towards the cost of providing facilities and services in their local community. Anyone owning residential, rural, vacant, industrial or commercial property in the Shire of East Pilbara is a ratepayer. Some government bodies, educational and registered charitable organisations are exempt from paying Council rates.

Where does the money go?

Rates are used to build and maintain the Shire's roads, parks, gardens, sporting facilities and to operate a multitude of community services.

When does the rate year run?

The rate year is 1 July to 30 June, the same as the Shire's financial year.

When will new rates be issued?

Rate notices can be issued any time after 1 July.

How are my rates calculated?

It is a 4 step process;

  • Firstly the Shire determines the cost of providing the Shire services and capital works for the year, minus any non-rate revenue including fees & charges and grants (i.e. State and Federal Government road project funding), to establish the total rates required to fund the shortfall.
  • Secondly, minimum charges based on the basic services provided are established and the total rates burden is apportioned across the different rating categories of:
  1. GRV - Residential
  2. GRV - Non-residential
  3. GRV - Transient Workforce Accommodation
  4. UV - Pastoral
  5. UV - Mining
  • Thirdly the apportioned amounts required are then divided by the total value of properties Gross Rental Value or Unimproved Value (as determined independently by the Valuer Generals Office) to calculate the rate in the dollar amount charge.
  • Fourthly is to multiply a property’s Gross Rental Value or Unimproved Value by the applicable Rate in the $ to calculate the rates payable for the year.

What are Minimum Charges?

Minimum and charges have been set to make sure each property pays an equitable amount. That is, property owners at the lower end of the scale pay enough for the services they have access too.

What is differential rating?

The Shire applies Differential Rating whereby a separate rate in the dollar is applied to different uses or categories of land. This is considered to be a fairer and a more equitable approach. Differential rating enables the Shire to vary the impact of its rates on different categories of land, to ensure an equitable contribution in their share of the rating burden is maintained or adjusted. It will ensure rates generated from types of land use remain similar to prior years across revaluation years. The Shire’s rating will be based on the land use, categorized as;

  1. GRV Residential
  2. GRV Non-residential
  3. GRV Transient Workforce Accommodation
  4. UV Pastoral
  5. UV Mining

What are the rates in the dollar and minimum amounts for 2024-2025?

Local public notice has been given for the Shire’s Notice of Intention to Levy Differential Rates.

Category 2024-25 Minimum Average Increase $ (per annum) Average Increase $ (weekly)
Residential $1185 $113 $2.17
Non-residential  $1400 $675 $12.97
TWA (Villages) $1400 $15,308 $294.38
Mining $1400 $717 $13.79
Rural  $1400 $1,963 $37.75
Prospecting $915 $60 $1.16

All statutory entitlements in relation to rates for pensioner and other concession holders will apply.

Valuation Queries

What is Gross Rental Value?

  • Every three years the gross rental value of each property is reassessed by the Valuer General’s Office. This is done so that the gross rental value is comparable with actual rental costs, as determined by the property market.
  • The last revaluation was effective 2022-2023.
  • Ratepayers with queries regarding their gross rental values can call the Valuer General's Office via Landgate direct on 9273 7373.

What is Unimproved Value?

  • It is the value of land only. It does not include the value of structures or improvements, used typically for land outside of the metropolitan area and regional town sites. This applies to pastoral and mining land use.

Why are rates based on rental value?  (I’m not renting my home)

  • Rates are based on a “capacity to pay” basis. For example, it is assumed that ratepayers with expensive properties can afford to pay more in rates “than ratepayers with more moderate properties”. This is considered to be the most equitable way of charging, however some will say that a “user pays” system is better but maintaining such a system is impossible as a Council provides many diverse services that are available to all.

Interest on Overdue Amounts

Rates unpaid 35 days from service date are charged at 7% as prescribed under the Local Government Act 1995.

Overdue Emergency Service Levies are charged at an interest rate of 11%.

Instalment Queries

Payment Options

Under the Local Government Act 1995 Council is obliged to offer ratepayers the option of paying rates by quarterly amounts. All ratepayers are now offered two payment options by which they can pay their rates.

These are:

Option One

Payment in full usually due August

No additional charges incurred

Option Two

Payment by four equal amounts:

  • First payment - August 
  • Second payment - November
  • Third payment - January
  • Final payment - March
Do I get reminder notices with the instalment option?

Yes, an Instalment Reminder Notice will be sent at least 28 days before the payment is due, provided that the first instalment payment is paid by the exact amount and before or on the due date.

Am I charged interest on the Instalment option?

Yes, 5.5%. This makes up for additional cost incurred to administer three extra notices and processing, plus foregone interest earnings.

Interest on Rates Notice

Why has my account got interest charges on it?

  • Property rates, fees and charges are due and payable by set dates outlined in the Shire’s annual budget and on the rates notices issued.
  • ESL Penalty interest is levied and collected for on behalf of the WA State Government, at 11%pa.

Interim Notices

Some ratepayers may receive amended rate accounts during the year, where the Valuer General considers that the Valuations (either GRV or OV) of their property has changed.

During the year where land is subdivided or amalgamated, new buildings are erected or demolished, or substantial improvements are made to existing buildings, the Valuer General may consider that the GRV of these properties has changed. In these cases, some ratepayers will receive amended rate accounts. Where the buildings are demolished, rates may decrease or increase, depending on the area and location of the land.

Levies on Rate Assessment Notice

I have a swimming pool, why am I being charged for the inspection?

State Government legislation requires the Shire to conduct inspections of all private swimming pools and outdoor spa baths every four years.

The Swimming Pool Inspection Charge for all properties is $58.45 per annum.

If you don’t have a pool refer the enquiry to the Building Team.

Payment Queries

Credit Card Payments

Can be made over the phone by calling 9175 8000.

Can be made online at https://www.bpoint.com.au/payments/eastpilbara.

Is there a credit card surcharge?


Can I pay my rates by Diners Club or American Express?

  • No. Payments can only be made with MasterCard and VisaCard. There is no limit per transaction payable by credit card.
  • The merchant fees charged by Diners and American Express are more expensive than other other cards; therefore it is not cost effective to offer this service as the charge may increase the rates payable by all ratepayers.

Do you have EFTPOS?

Yes. Payments accepted in person at Shire Administration Centres

Can I pay my rates over the Internet?

Yes. BPoint is available.

Or via your own internet banking using BPay.

In response to COVID-19 cashless payments are preferred.

Making Changes to Your Details

Why do I (ratepayer) have to email or write to you?

  • Your privacy and the integrity of the Shire’s data is important to us. Our record keeping practices and data management requirements rely upon documentation and confirmation. Hence we require a request directly from you to initiate the changes required.

CCTV Network Contribution

What is the CCTV Network Contribution?

  • It’s a fee to fund the operation, maintenance and renewal of the newly installed and expanding Shire CCTV network. (Initially on the Newman town site properties) being $62pa.
  • To be transparent in Shire charges, is charged individually

Waste Removal

What are the annual costs?

Waste Removal Costs
2023-2024 2024-2025
Residential  $446 $446
Additional Waste $275 $356
Additional Recycling $235 $300

The services provided for the waste removal fee remain as follows:

  1. Green bins: 2x per week in summer, 1x per week in winter.
  2. Fortnightly recycling collection.

Must I pay for waste removal?

Yes. All residential rate payers are obligated to be provided with a waste service under the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Act 2007. It is not optional. The waste service is more than just bin collection from residential properties.

It also includes the management of waste at public areas, including street bins and at parks and reserves.

Emergency Services Levy

What is the ESL?

The Emergency Services Levy funds the WA State fire and emergency service.

What does the ESL fund?

The ESL funds the:

  • Career Fire and Rescue Service;
  • Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service;
  • Local governments Bush Fire Brigades;
  • State Emergency Service; and
  • Volunteer Emergency Service Units.

What doesn't it fund? 

The ESL does not fund:

  • Volunteer Marine Rescue Services
  • St Emergency Services
  • Volunteer Fire and Emergency Services
  • Volunteer Bush Fire Brigades
  • Aeriel Firefighting fleet
  • Community safety programs
  • Fire Investigations
  • Triple Zero communications
  • Traning programs
  • Maintenance of facilities & equipment 

How is the ESL collected?

The levy is included on Shire rates notices.  Local Governments collect the money and send it directly to DFES. 

(Local Governments are paid an annual administration fee for billing and collecting the levy.)

Late Payment Interest

If a property owner does not pay either the full or part payment of ESL on time, late payment interest of 11% is charged.

Rating Strategy 2021-2026

The Shire of East Pilbara has adopted a new rating strategy, which sets about achieving comparative rating consistency with other neighbouring Pilbara local governments.

Commencing in the 2021-2022 financial year, the new approach to rating separates the former GRV - General Rate, into three distinct categories, being;

  • Residential
  • Non-residential, and
  • TWA (transient workforce accommodation)

Achieving parity with other neighbouring Pilbara local government rate charges is also an intent of the new rating strategy and the notice of intention to levy differential rates is advertised each year prior to Council adopting its Budget.

Objects and Reasons for Differential Rating

Objects and Reasons 2024/2025

2024/25 Rates-Related Documents