Register of Interests

Declaration Register
Meeting Date Name of Relevant Person Declaring an Interest Meeting Type Item relating to Interest Nature of Interest
13/12/2024 Anthony Middleton Ordinary Council Meeting Item 12.1.2 - Alternative Kings Birthday Public Holiday 2025 Impartiality
29/11/2024 Steven Harding CEO Ordinary Council Meeting Item 12.1.3 - Policy Review CEO Annual Remuneration Financial
25/10/2024 Steven Harding CEO Ordinary Council Meeting Item 12.1.6 - Local Government Bank of Australia Financial
25/10/2024 Steven Harding CEO Ordinary Council Meeting Item 17.4.4 - Chief Executive Officer Annual Performance Review Financial
25/10/2024 Joshua Brown Ordinary Council Meeting Item 17.4.4 - Chief Executive Officer Annual Performance Review Impartiality
27/09/2024 Cr Milton Chapman Ordinary Council Meeting Item 17.1.3 - Proposed Deed of Variation and Extension of Lease: Newman House (Jamuku Yapalikurnu Aboriginal Corporation) Pursuant to section of 5.60A of the Local Government Act 1995, the nature of the interest is: 'Financial'
23/08/2024 Lee Anderson Ordinary Council Meeting Item 17.1.2 - Write off Debts Financial
23/08/2024 Karen Lockyer Ordinary Council Meeting Item 3.1 - Pioneers football and sporting club Proximity
26/04/2024 Lee Anderson Ordinary Council Meeting Item 12.3.1 - Proposed memorandum of understanding and funding agreement - marble bar race club Impartiality
26/04/2024 Wendy McWhirter Brooks Ordinary Council Meeting Item 12.3.1 - As chair of the marble bar community resource center who has a natural interest in the matter. Financial
22/03/2024 Anthony Middleton Ordinary Council Meeting Item 12.3.2 - Proposed Memorandum of Understanding – Outback Fortescue Festival Financial - I am currently the sitting President of the Newman Lions Club. I declare I will leave the room and take no part in the discussion.
22/03/2024 Anthony Middleton Ordinary Council Meeting Item 12.4.2 - Proposed Relocation of BHP Dust Monitors to Capricorn Oval Car Park Financial - I am employed by Bhp
22/03/2024 Peta Baer Ordinary Council Meeting Item 12.4.2 - Proposed Relocation of BHP Dust Monitors to Capricorn Oval Car Park Financial - Bhp funds my workplace and wages.
22/03/2024 Peta Baer Ordinary Council Meeting Item 16.1.1 - BHP – Grant Funding Application Financial - Bhp funds my workplace and my wages.
22/03/2024 Karen Lockyer Ordinary Council Meeting Item 12.4.2 - Proposed Relocation of BHP Dust Monitors to Capricorn Oval Car Park Financial - the proposed is my employer.
22/03/2024 Karen Lockyer Ordinary Council Meeting Item 16.1.1 - BHP – Grant Funding Application Financial - Employer named as proposed party.
15/12/2023 Wendy McWhirter Brooks Ordinary Council Meeting Item 16.1.4 - Lease over Land - Newman Airport Financial
15/12/2023 Anthony Middleton Ordinary Council Meeting Item 16.1.3 - Budget Amendment Financial - BHP Employee
15/12/2023 Karen Lockyer Ordinary Council Meeting Item 16.1.3 - Budget Amendment Financial - Employer named in Item
24/11/2023 Steven Harding CEO Ordinary Council Meeting Item 17.2.5 - Minutes of the CEO performance review committee 8 Oct 2023 Financial
24/11/2023 Lee Anderson Ordinary Council Meeting Item 12.1.6 - Heritage Building Chairperson of the Marble Bar Tourism Association
24/11/2023 Peta Baer Ordinary Council Meeting Item 17.2.3 - Indirect Fortescue helicopters donate to my work place. Financial
24/11/2023 Wendy McWhirter Brooks Ordinary Council Meeting Item 17.2.3 - Proposed Lease Newman Airport Financial
24/11/2023 Wendy McWhirter Brooks Ordinary Council Meeting Item 12.1.6 - Marble bar Heritage Item - Governmnet Building Impartiality - I am treasurer of the Marble Bar Tourism Association who is a lessor.
06/10/2023 Steven Harding CEO Committee Meeting Item 6.1 - Chief Executive Officer Performance Review The Performance Review is my review of the last 12 Months and considers past and new KPI’s, in addition to the consideration of financial remuneration.
25/08/2023 Peta Baer Ordinary Council Meeting Item 11,4,1 - End of Year Community Event Financial
28/07/2023 Karen Lockyer Ordinary Council Meeting Item 15.1.2 - Proposed Lease ‘The Edge’, Newman Financial - The business mentioned is the employer of my daughter.
27/07/2023 Wendy McWhirter Brooks Committee Meeting Item 7.1.1 - Marble Bar Airport Update Proximity
30/06/2023 Karen Lockyer Ordinary Council Meeting Item 11.3.5 - Sponsorship 2023-2024 Financial - Executive member of recipient of Grant
30/06/2023 Karen Lockyer Ordinary Council Meeting Item 11.1.2 - AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2021/22 – CORRECTION Impartiality - Councillor Travel allowance correction is detailed in report
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