This service is an independent advocacy agency for all people with disability living within the East Pilbara and Western Desert Region of Western Australia. PDA is managed by the Ethnic Disability Advocacy Centre. The WA Aboriginal Disability Network is a partner in this service. These organisations share similar philosophy and purpose in advocacy. Who can ask for support? All people with cognitive, intellectual, psycho social, physical and/or sensory disability, in particular: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disability CaLD people with disability People of Anglo-Celtic background with disability. What PDA can do for you The Regional Advocate will: • Listen to you about your disability issues and problems; • Involve you in the decision making process; • Offer advice on how PDA can help and/or provide you with options; • Provide information about other services that you may need; • Work closely with families and carers to achieve your needs; • Raise community awareness about disability access and rights; • Refer you to other agencies when necessary; • This is a free service; • An Interpreter can be arranged on request. • No individual will be discriminated against on the basis of their individual needs, race, culture, gender, age, religion, disability and living arrangements; and • Confidentiality is maintained.