Newman Youth & Community Hub

The Youth and Community Hub will be a ‘one stop shop’. It will build community cohesion and connectedness, ensuring a full suite of youth, community, recreation, sport and leisure opportunities to meet the needs of our diverse community. The Youth and Community Hub will be a youth focused, multi-purpose, interagency facility enabling a centralised approach to service delivery and co-location, increasing access and participation to promote social cohesion and enhanced community health and wellbeing.

Proposed Location:         Corner of Newman Drive and Iron Ore Parade

Newman Youth & Community Hub Master Plan

Facility Elements

Community Library

  • Physical Content Library and Reading areas
  • Children's area
  • External breakout and outdoor play space
  • Digital space – computer and print hub
  • Multipurpose room for playgroups and crèche
  • Tourist nook
  • Meeting and conference rooms

Youth Centre

  • Flexible Community Program space
  • Drop-in area with flexible group spaces for youth activities such as gaming and a computer hub
  • Recording studio
  • Movie room
  • Semi Commercial Kitchen
  • Laundry
  • Sensory/Quiet Room
  • Collaborative interagency administration space for youth specific service providers and agencies to use
  • Yarn Circle

Community, Recreation, Sport & Leisure

  • Multi-Sports Rage Cage-Sheltered
  • Pump Track – BMX/Scooter
  • Community seed bank


Tell us what you think!

  • Or information is available at Shire of East Pilbara Administration office, Newman Youth Centre, Newman Library, Newman Recreation Centre and Newman Aquatic Centre.