Change in Traffic Conditions
Published on Monday, 16 July 2018 at 12:00:00 AM
The Shire of East Pilbara wishes to advise that in the interest of public safety, some changes have been made to the signage and traffic movement in Rogers Way and Gregory Avenue Newman.
The changes have been made in consultation with the Newman schools and comply with Main Roads WA and Police requirements.
Firstly changes of a minor nature have been made to the signage in Rogers way adjacent to the pool and leading up to north Newman primary school to reinforce the one way traffic flow that all drivers should observe from Iron Ore Parade to Hilditch Avenue. Parking bays have also been repainted and are for taxi, trucks, buses and caravans. A new Give Way sign has been installed on Lee Lane at the intersection with Iron Ore Pde.
The next change has been to install a new school crossing in Gregory Avenue that is to be controlled by an authorised traffic warden. There have been some changes to the signage and vehicle movement in Gregory Avenue and drivers are requested to follow the directions of the traffic warden and parking restrictions as noted on the signs to improve traffic flow and safety of students in the area. Rangers will be patrolling the area to encourage compliance.
The Shire of East Pilbara would like to thank the State Government for funding these initiatives through the Local Projects, Local Jobs program.
Jeremy Edwards
Chief Executive Officer