Continued Lighting Outage At Public Ovals - 20 May to 27 May 2019
Published on Tuesday, 21 May 2019 at 12:00:00 AM
Sporting clubs and community are advised that the lighting system issue reported last week in ongoing, and automated lighting for sporting grounds and community ovals for the week of 20 – 27 May is still not operational. Arrangements remain the same as the previous notice.
- Community members are advised that general lighting on Goanna and Boomerang Ovals which usually operates between the hours 6pm – 8pm will not be operational during this period.
- Sporting Clubs with public oval bookings which requiring lighting for training and events during this period have been given access to turn on the lights manually, and access keys have been provided where needed. Clubs are asked to ensure relevant members have access to the keys and procedures.
This is a temporary measure only, until the replacement integrated lighting system is supplied and installed. The Shire of East Pilbara staff are working to resolve this issue as quickly as possible and will keep clubs and community updated on the status of the work.
A further update will be provided on 27 May on the status of the system.
Until the system is operational again, for urgent after hours issues with lighting at public ovals, please contact Ranger Services Duty Officer on 0419 860 376.
Jeremy Edwards
Chief Executive Officer