Local Planning Scheme Amendment Available for Inspection
Published on Wednesday, 27 March 2024 at 12:05:46 PM
Standard Amendment - Shire of East Pilbara Local Planning Scheme No. 4 Amendment No. 28.
Notice is hereby given that the Local Government of the Shire of East Pilbara has received the abovementioned scheme amendment proposal, for the purpose of rezoning the landholdings at R51522 (Lot 8004), P076940 (Lot 9002), R50086 (Lot 8005) and R51523 (Lot 8011) East Newman from ‘Residential’ to ‘Recreation’ reserve, in addition to inserting special use provisions for the precinct into Local Planning Scheme No. 4.
Plans and documents setting out and explaining the scheme amendment have been deposited at Newman Administration Centre, Cnr Kalgan and Newman Roads, Newman WA 6753 and at www.eastpilbara.wa.gov.au and will be open for inspection during office hours up to and including 09 May 2024.
Submissions on the planning scheme amendment may be lodged in writing and should include the amendment number, the property affected and details of the submission and be submitted to [email protected] or lodged with the undersigned on or before 09 May 2024.
Steven Harding
Chief Executive Officer