Bushfire Control
The Shire’s Ranger Services assists the Department of Fire and Emergency (DFES) with the monitoring, reporting and control of bushfires within Newman and Marble Bar's Municipal boundary. The Shire’s Fire Control Officers, have responsibilities under the Bushfire Act including liaison with various appointed Fire Control Officers at rural stations.
A restricted burning period applies all year ie. 1st January to 31st of December each year.
Permits to Burn are Required all Year Round.
The Bush Fire Act requires the Shire to ensure that appropriate measures are taken to reduce the risk of fires on property and to prohibit certain activities during periods of high risk. All properties must be kept clear of flammable material and overgrowth.
Fire prevention measures must be completed on all properties, including residential, commercial, industrial, rural and vacant land and be maintained all year round.
In addition, the Shire has Health Local Laws prohibiting the use of incinerators or burning on the ground in all residential areas at any time. The Local Laws seek to prevent the discharge of smoke into the atmosphere in such quantities or of such nature as to cause a nuisance. This not only prevents the risk of a fire outbreak but also improves the Town’s air quality and the health of our residents.
DFES have recently made changes made to their Bushfire Preparedness Material www.dfes.wa.gov.au/firechat
Total Fire Bans
What can and can’t be done during a Total Fire Ban:
There are different rules for the public vs business, industry, public authorities and agriculture (farming).
Members of the public CANNOT:
- Light a fire including a campfire, wood and charcoal fuelled BBQs/Webers, pizza oven, or to burn garden waste/rubbish etc.
- Drive off-road over paddocks or bushland or any area where there is vegetation
- Carry out grinding and welding (hot work) in an area that is not fully enclosed
- Mow the lawn or use a slasher, or similar, where the equipment is powered by an internal combustion engine
Business and Industry CAN: (as long as they comply with the conditions within the Bushfire Regulations 1954)
- Hot work (welding, grinding)
- Road work (grading and bituminising)
- Off-road activity i.e. operating any equipment or vehicle with an internal combustion engine on land which contains vegetation (mining exploration, electricity companies fault finding, Shire, Town, City slashing verges)
- Mow lawns as part of a business (off-road activity)
- Use wood fuelled cooking appliances or cook as part of a catering business, including pizza ovens
- Blasting
- Gas Flaring
- Use fireworks (exemption required)
- Rail grinding (exemption required)
- Power restoration (exemption required)
For a full list of TFB frequently asked questions for both the public, and business and industry, please click on the link: https://www.dfes.wa.gov.au/hazard-information/bushfire/total-fire-ban#faqs
Need more information?
Please review the current TFB information on the DFES website here.
Total Fire Ban links and phone numbers:
Fire Permits
The Shire of East Pilbara has a permanent restricted burning period all year round and permits are required for the burning of any bush, timber and other refuse on any parcel of land.
When applying for a permit please ensure you are in a position to provide and comply with the following
- The lot number and/or street address to which the permit will apply.
- What firefighting equipment and resources will you have to control the fire?
- What is the size of the area to be burnt?
- Are firebreaks installed and can a fire unit get access to the area to being burnt?
- What material are you going to burn?
UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES can you burn plastics, tyres, rubber, treated timber and any other materials that can produce noxious or carcinogenic gases.
Important Notices
Note: If it is impractical to comply with the provisions of any Notice or Permit, you must apply for a variation in writing with the Shire of East Pilbara. The Shire's Fire Control Officer will be required to examine any requests for variations or exemptions based on the individual merit of each application.
Permits to Burn