Cyclone Zelia and Flooding Recovery

Road Closures 

The Shire of East Pilbara provides updates of road conditions, Click here for more Information 

For up-to-date information from Main Roads contact 138 138 or visit the Main Roads website

Check the Emergency WA - Alerts and Warnings. site for up-to-date alerts and warnings about road closures and other emergency information.

Recovery Efforts

We are currently assessing damage to all roads and infrastructure when able, after waters recede and on that basis a priority list will be put together and, the Shire will work through those projects as expediently as possible.

Emergency Assistance 

The aftermath of a flood can bring high levels of stress and trauma, especially if your community has experienced destruction, injuries, or loss of life, as well as isolation or loss of services. It’s important to prioritise your mental health and wellbeing during this time.

Information about financial assistance and who you can chat with about your situation is available. Find out more here

Recovering from a flood - Department of Fire and Emergency Services

Recovering from an Emergency - Emergency WA Warnings & Incidents

Premiers Relief Assistance

If you’ve been impacted by the flood, you may be eligible for Premier’s Relief Payment, a State Government payment for people whose homes have been directly damaged or destroyed by natural disasters. It is designed to help people with purchasing essential items and personal effects, transportation, and emergency accommodation.

For more information about eligibility criteria and to submit an application, visit

ChatGPT said:

Impacted community members living in the Shire of East Pilbara needing information on local recovery activities and support, can contact the Local Recovery Coordinator Nicole O'Neil. 

Phone: (08) 9175 8000
Email: [email protected]

Have you or someone you know had a business or farm impacted by EX- Tropical Cyclone Zelia?
Rural West, we are committed to providing support during this challenging time.
Services are free, confidential, and mobile for businesses facing financial hardship.
Contact them on 1800 612 004 or visit our website at for more information.